Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Woodworth Family

This session took place on the wonderful grounds of Hoofbeats with Hearts an equine rescue and therapeutic riding facility for people with special needs. The family volunteers to help this wonderful cause and the organization was gracious enough to let us have their family photos on the property.

Nathan and Krystal have probably the sweetest, most well behaved children you will ever meet. They were polite the entire time and if you asked them to look or smile at the camera they did just that without hesitation or complain. And I didn't even know until after their session they had been sick. You can't even tell. They were troopers! And adorable to boot. :)
After a few quick family photos, the majority of the session was all about Nathan and Krystal. I love when couples remember to treat themselves to something special every now and then and they so wisely ;) chose photos together. And BONUS! we got to use some of the wonderful horses in the photos.

We had a few worries about rain as its clearly a very cloudy day. But the rain stayed away and left us with amazing clouds for the backdrop to their photos.


Such a gorgeous view! But nothing draws your attention like a couple in Love.

And yet more amazing skies!

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